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Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

Opinion | $20 million for ex-Republican chair’s firm is good for Michigan

Many people are missing the point about the state grant to provide utility connections for the 800-home development that Schostak Brothers wants to develop as one of their projects in Salem Township in Washtenaw County.

The larger picture has to with all the jobs that will be maintained and/or created due to the project. The people who will buy these homes will pay real estate taxes that will support schools, local programs and Salem Township, for they too have budget needs.

Thus, I must take exception to Michigan Sen. Jeff Irwin, D-Ann Arbor, for it seems that he too has been drinking the Democratic Party Kool-Aid of wanting to resist, object, and obstruct anything Republican that could contribute to making both Michigan and our nation Great Again! Ambitious real-estate development projects are a definite indicator that our economy is working, and there are future paybacks for providing temporary economic incentives to have it move forward.

Also these new home owners will be paying utility bills, and eventually that $20 million investment could be recovered, through utility payment cash flows, along with real estate tax cash flows, some of which aid local and state governments.  

So additional encouragement is extended to Bobby Schostak, his firm, and all others wishing to do positive, contributory, cash flow developments, in which it is indeed a win, win, win situation for us all!

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