100 promises Donald Trump made to Michigan

President-elect Donald Trump delivered at least 21 campaign speeches last year in Michigan, a swing state where he made myriad promises to save the auto industry, cut energy bills, reduce crime and much more.
Bridge Michigan reviewed more than 11 hours of those speeches to document the pledges he made to the Michigan voters who helped him win — including several vows that experts say will be difficult to follow through on.
Here are 100 of those campaign promises Trump made to Michigan.
Promises 1-10: Save autos, stop fentanyl
1) "I'm going to save the auto industry. Instead, we're going to be building all cars, not just electric cars." — Detroit, June 15
2) "We are not going to tax tips. The tax immediately is coming off" — Detroit, June 15
3) "We're going to stop the crime. We have to let people feel free and be able to walk outside and not even think about being mugged or hit or shot or anything." — Detroit, June 15
4) "We'll put a 100% to 200% tariff. We're not going to let (Chinese companies build plants in Mexico to sell cars to the US) because all of our jobs from your state will be gone." — Howell, Aug. 20
5) "We're going to make a record investment in hiring, retention, and training of police officers." — Howell, Aug. 20
6) "We'll bust up and dismantle the gangs, savage criminal networks, and bloodthirsty cartels. And we will stop the fentanyl." — Howell, Aug. 20
7) "On day one, I will seal the border. I will stop the invasion." — Howell, Aug. 20
8) "We're going to get the autoworkers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left. We're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen." — Potterville, Aug. 29
9) "Everyone under President Trump will prosper, every family will thrive, and Michigan manufacturing will dominate like never before." — Potterville, Aug. 29
10) "I can do it with a pen. Come in and build plants in the United States, preferably here. But come in and build your plants in the United States of America. And if you don't, you're not allowed to sell cars here, and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200 percent. I did that with steel." — Potterville, Aug. 29
Promises 11-20: Free IVF, no sanctuary cities
11) "Starting on day one, I will approve new drilling, new pipelines, new refineries, new power plants, new reactors, and we will slash the red tape. [Audience responds affirmatively] We will get the job done. We will create more electricity also for these new industries that can only function with massive electricity." — Potterville, Aug. 29
12) "In addition, as part of our efforts to help working families, I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for, or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment, fertilization for women, IVF treatment." — Potterville, Aug. 29
13) "And I will end deadly sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country. Nobody wants them, nobody wants them." — Potterville, Aug. 29
14) "And ideally, we go to paper ballots, same-day voting, proof of citizenship, very big, and voter ID, very simple, very simple." — Potterville, Aug. 29
15) "Because we want more babies to put it very nicely. And for this same reason, we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able -- so we're pro-family, nobody's ever said that before." — Potterville, Aug. 29
16) "We are going to bring so many auto plants into our country. You're going to be as big or bigger than you were 50 years ago because they won't be able -- if they're not willing to build a plant, we don't want their product, and that's enough." — Flint, Sept. 17
17) "You make the auto industry thrive, bring it back to where it was 50, 60 years ago. You can do that, too, and that's my goal, and I'm laying out a policy that will absolutely do it. In my opinion, absolutely do it." — Detroit, Oct. 10
18) "The four-year long nightmare for the American autoworker ends the day I take the oath of office." — Detroit, Oct. 10
19) "And our car industry will have a renaissance, the likes of which we have never seen before in this country, we have never seen since the golden years. It's my goal to get our country on an auto-making path, where at some point in the near future, it will be bigger and more important than it ever was." — Detroit, Oct. 10
20) "I intend for the triumph of the American auto industry to be among my greatest legacies. I want it to be a legacy." — Detroit, Oct. 10
Promises 21-30: Mexico to Michigan, car loan tax deduction
21) "We have to make our car industry brilliant again. We have to make it bigger. I'm going to make it bigger than it was ever before. Now, I'm going to make it real, very quick it's going to go. But to bring it to that level, I guess, I'll need a little more time. But I won't have that time, but I'm going to have -- I'm going to hand it over to people. We're going to -- we're going to make this country so strong, and it's going to be so much easier to run." — Detroit, Oct. 10
22) "Michigan is going to be the biggest beneficiary for this." — Detroit, Oct. 10
23) "Thousands of factories will open up all across our land, great-paying blue collar jobs will lift up those who have suffered so terribly over the past four years." — Detroit, Oct. 10
24) "If you vote for Trump and you will see a mass exodus of manufacturing jobs, but from Mexico to Michigan, from Shanghai to Sterling Heights, and from Beijing to right here in beautiful Detroit. Wait till you see Detroit. And they'll also be going to places like South Carolina, Tennessee, and others. We have a lot of car-making states, a lot of parts-making states, too." — Detroit, Oct. 10
- Donald Trump promised a ‘Michigan miracle.’ Now, the hard part: following through
- Ten ways Michigan may change under Trump, from doctors and EVs to school lunch
- Donald Trump’s path to victory in Michigan: Expand support nearly everywhere
25) "I want German car companies to become American car companies. I want them to build plants in America, otherwise I'd rather not have their cars here. Instead of American workers worrying about losing their jobs to foreign nations, I want foreign nations to be worried about losing their jobs to America. That's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen." — Detroit, Oct. 10
26) "And it's called Build it in America Plan. It's Build it in America because when foreign leaders and CEOs call me up to complain about our tariffs, my answer will be very simple. Build it in America, you don't have any tariffs. Build it right here in Detroit, you don't have any tariffs." — Detroit, Oct. 10
27) "They're going to pay a 100 percent or maybe even a 200 percent tariff because we're not going to let them come into our country and destroy what's left of our auto industry because it's a failing industry just like it's a failing country right now." — Detroit, Oct. 10
28) "And to that end, I'm announcing today that upon taking office, I will formally notify Mexico and Canada of my intention to invoke the six-year renegotiation provisions of the USMCA that I put in. That was the hardest thing I had to get. They didn't want that. They wanted to have it -- but I wanted to." — Detroit, Oct. 10
29) "Remember this, I will close the loopholes under Biden and Harris that are beginning to allow Chinese vehicles to creep into American streets." — Detroit, Oct. 10
30) "But this is what you've been waiting for because today, I am also announcing that as part of our tax cuts, we will make interest on car loans fully deductible. — Detroit, Oct. 10

Promises: 31-40: A 'Michigan miracle,' no EV mandate
31) "That's going to revolutionize your industry. This will stimulate massive domestic auto production and make car ownership dramatically more affordable for millions and millions of working American families." — Detroit, Oct. 10
32) "And I'm telling you, right now, standing here in the center of this once great city that by the end of my term, the entire world will be talking about the Michigan miracle and the stunning rebirth of Detroit. That's going to happen very quickly." — Detroit, Oct. 10
33) "I will start by terminating Kamala's insane electric vehicle mandate on day one. It's killing our car industry. Kamala's EV mandate is killing the US auto industry. It requires that within just a few years, 67 percent of all new cars and trucks must be electric." — Detroit, Oct. 10
34) "Because after I terminate the mandate, my first day in office, I will terminate it in my first day, we will go back to making electric cars, gasoline-propelled cars, hybrids, and anything else that comes along at that time. Probably, hydrogen I'll do without, because when they blow up, you are unrecognizable, I don't like that." — Detroit, Oct. 10
35) "Kamala gives rich people $7,500 tax breaks to buy luxury electric cars. A lot of people don't know that. Yet, she makes the working class pay more for a entry-level car that's powered by gasoline which we have so much of. And I will reverse this also this injustice on day one." — Detroit, Oct. 10
36) "I will not only repeal the federal mandate, I will also stop California from imposing any state level mandate to ban gas-powered cars and trucks. And it's very simple to sell. Vote for Trump, and the gasoline engine will be here for a long, long time." — Detroit, Oct. 10
37) "The day I take office, the word will go out, and we are going to frack, frack, frack, and drill, baby, drill." — Detroit, Oct. 10
38) "I will cut the price of energy and electricity in half, ready, 12 months from January 20th. I take office on January 20th, your electric bill, including cars, air conditioners, heating, everything, your total electric bill will be 50, 5-0, 50 percent less." — Detroit, Oct. 10
39) "One of my top priorities will be to quickly defeat inflation and make America affordable again. We will quickly defeat it. We have to bring down prices. I will cut taxes, slash regulations, curb wasteful spending, and unleash energy production. It'll all happen very quickly. This will rapidly drive prices down, lower interest rates, and put more money into the pockets of American consumers." — Detroit, Oct. 10
40) "So, US- based car makers and manufacturers will also be rewarded with expanded research and development tax credits, very substantial, where they will be able to write off 100 percent of their cost of heavy machinery and other equipment necessary to build a plant in the first year." — Detroit, Oct. 10
Promises 41-50: Major tax cuts, Middle East peace
41) "Likewise, to help small businesses afford the work vehicles they need to get the job done, we will double the amount of equipment investment they can deduct under Section 179." — Detroit, Oct. 10
42) "As part of this effort, I will pass major tax cuts for workers, including no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on Social Security benefits for our seniors. And here's what I told you about before. The reason you're all sticking around because I had to make — I said, "Do they mind a little bit longer speech because, you know, it is big — it is a big subject?" "No, sir, they love it."" — Detroit, Oct. 10
43) "And we're going to bring auto -- we're going to bring the companies back. You know, if you go back 50, 60 years, we were the -- the king and queen together of the auto industry. And now, it's been taken by China and Mexico and so many other countries. We're going to bring them all back." —Hamtramck, Oct. 18
44) "We're going to make the auto industry bigger and better and stronger than it's ever been before." —Hamtramck, Oct. 18
45) "We want peace in the Middle East. We're going to get peace in the Middle East." —Hamtramck, Oct. 18
46) "We are going to make Detroit great again finally, after 45 years." — Novi, Oct. 26
47) "The car business is coming back to this state. And in a short period of time, you're going to have more jobs than you had in its heyday, and it's not even going to be hard." — Novi, Oct. 26
48) "Standing before you today, I am proclaiming that by the end of my term, the entire world will be talking about the Michigan miracle and the stunning rebirth of Detroit. We'll bring back the auto industry greater than it has ever been. I'm not saying a little bit. We're going to bring them back. And if they don't want to build their plant here, you know what they're going to do? They're not going to sell cars here. China will not be building those massive plants in Mexico." — Novi, Oct. 26
49) "We are going to make it a miracle. We're going to make the state a miracle, and we're going to make Detroit a miracle. And it's going to happen, and it's guaranteed. It's guaranteed." — Novi, Oct. 26
50) "I'm going to bring your jobs back, and I'm going to end the electric mandate, all-electric mandate on day 1, which is going to cause you all of you to lose your job. You're going to build electric cars, and you're going to build all kinds of cars, except hydrogen. There will be no hydrogen cars.They tend to blow up. And once they blow up, you are not recognizable anymore." — Novi, Oct. 2

Promises 51-60: Higher wages, lower prices
51) "We're going to bring back -- we're going to bring back those car companies to Michigan. They're going to come into Detroit. I've been hearing about promises for 40 years on Detroit. We're going to make the promise — you're going to have those car companies come roaring back. Through intelligent uses of tariffs, taxes, and incentives, they're all coming back." — Novi, Oct. 26
52) "You're going to be bigger and better with the industry than you've ever been even in your heyday." — Novi, Oct. 26
53) "This election is a choice between whether we will have four more years of gross incompetence and failure, or whether we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country." — Novi, Oct. 26
54) "Everyone will prosper. Every family will thrive, and every day will be filled with opportunity and hope and filled with the possibility for those that want to really work hard of the American dream." — Novi, Oct. 26
55) "But we're going to bring all those plants back. We're going to bring all those jobs back." — Novi, Oct. 26
56) "Vote Trump, and you will see a mass exodus of manufacturing jobs from Mexico to Michigan, from Shanghai to Sterling Heights, and from Beijing to Detroit. Starting in January, we will give our companies the lowest taxes, the lowest energy cost. We have more liquid gold than anybody. You know, we were energy independent." — Novi, Oct. 26
57) "They're going to come floating back when they say, "Gee, we're not allowed to sell cars in the United States anymore." It's not a question of allowed. They're going to have to pay a big price for them to rip off our companies, steal our jobs, and sell things. If they want to partake in this market, we're going to make it the greatest market in the world, then they're going to have to pay a price. And the price is either a stiff tariff, or you don't have to pay the tariff. You'll build the plant in the United States, and you people are going to run that plant. And if these companies don't make their cars and products here, then they will pay that tariff." — Novi, Oct. 26
58) "We will also pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act. You know what that is. That means that if China or any other country — and there are many of them. Most of them charge us a 100 or 200 percent tax. Then we will charge them likewise, a 100 or 200 tax in return. It's called an eye for an eye. And you'll see them drop those numbers against you." — Novi, Oct. 26
59) "With your support, we'll cut your taxes, end inflation, slash your prices, raise your wages, and bring thousands of factories back to America and right here to Michigan." — Novi, Oct. 26
60) "I'm hereby calling for the death penalty for any migrant that kills an American citizen or a law enforcement officer." — Novi, Oct. 26
Promises 61-70: End inflation, best economy
61) "We will get critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell out of our school. And we will keep men out of women's sports right away, day one." — Novi, Oct. 26
62) "With your vote in this election, we will end inflation. And you know what? It's we, not me. We will stop the invasion of criminals into our country. And I will bring back the American dream for your children and for yourself." — Novi, Oct. 26
63) "It was corrupt. And they went to paper ballots, voter ID, same-day voting. They have one day. They had 39 million votes. At the end, they had a winner. They had a loser. And that was it. Everybody went home. It's crazy. And we're going to get it back." — Novi, Oct. 26
64) "I will end inflation. I will stop the invasion of criminals pouring into our country, and I will bring back the American dream." — Warren, Nov. 1
65) "America will be bigger, better, bolder, richer, safer, and stronger than ever before." — Warren, Nov. 1
66) "This election is a choice between whether we live and have four more years of gross incompetence and failure or whether we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country." — Warren, Nov. 1
67) "This will be America's new golden age. Every problem facing us can be solved, and it's going to be solved quickly." — Warren, Nov. 1
68) "Your prices are going down. We're going to drill, baby, drill. We're going to bring prices down. Who can rescue our economy from total obliteration and restore our country to full prosperity explosive growth and maximum strength?" — Warren, Nov. 1
69) "We'll have the best economy you've ever had." — Warren, Nov. 1
70) "And when we win, you are four days away from the best jobs, the biggest paychecks, and the brightest economic future the world has ever seen. You're going to be great. We love it. And we will end Kamala's economic disaster and launch a brand-new Trump economic miracle." — Warren, Nov. 1

Promises 71-80: Halve energy prices, caregiver tax credit
71) "I will support a tax credit for family caregivers who are amazing people, who take care of a parent or a loved one. These people do so much, and we're going to get them a tax credit." — Warren, Nov. 1
72) "I'll cut your energy prices in half within 12 months. We're going to cut your energy prices. And that's going to be the beginning and we're going to bring your cost of groceries, foods, everything'" — Warren, Nov. 1
73) "I will cut a record number of job-killing regulations. I will terminate the Green New scam, the biggest scam, the greatest scam in the history of our country. And I will end Kamala's insane electric vehicle mandate, saving the Michigan auto industry from extinction." — Warren, Nov. 1
74) "To bring back millions of jobs, will give our companies the lowest taxes, the lowest energy costs, the lowest regulatory burdens, and free access to the best and biggest market on the planet. Remember this, you're not going to have a best and biggest market soon." — Warren, Nov. 1
75) "Vote for Trump, and you will see a mass exodus of manufacturing jobs from Mexico to Michigan, from Shanghai to Sterling Heights, and from Beijing to Detroit." — Warren, Nov. 1
76) "We're going to make America great again, greater than ever before. It's true. We're going to pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act ... So, if China or any other country charges 100 percent or 200 percent tax, then we will charge them 100 percent or 200 percent tax in return." — Warren, Nov. 1
77) "The day I take the oath of office, the migrant invasion ends and the restoration of our country begins." — Warren, Nov. 1
78) "On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history." — Warren, Nov. 1
79) "I will immediately ban all sanctuary cities in the United States of America, their sanctuaries for criminals." — Warren, Nov. 1
80) "We will cut your taxes, end inflation, slash your prices, raise your wages, and bring thousands and thousands of factories back to America and back to Detroit, Michigan, and Michigan." — Warren, Nov. 1
Promises 81-90: Crush violent crime, restore American dream
81) "We will build America, we will buy American, and we will hire American." — Warren, Nov. 1
82) "I will end the war in Ukraine. Would have never started if I was president." — Warren, Nov. 1
83) "I will stop the chaos in the Middle East. Would have never happened October 7th. And I will prevent World War III from happening." — Warren, Nov. 1
84) "We will crush violent crime and give our police the support, protection, resources, and respect that they so dearly deserve." — Warren, Nov. 1
85) "We will strengthen and modernize our military." — Warren, Nov. 1
86) "We will build a missile defense shield, the biggest in the world, all over our country. Made in the USA, much of it made in Michigan." — Warren, Nov. 1
87) "We will get critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell out of our schools. [Applause] And we will keep men out of women's sports" — Warren, Nov. 1
88) "We're going to bring the car business blazing back. You're not going to remember what it was like. We're going to — we're going to make Detroit — we're going to make Detroit greater than it ever was. Yeah, I've been hearing about Detroit for a long time. They've been talking about that miracle in Detroit. Well, I mean, look, we got to be honest, hasn't happened, but it's going to happen now." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
89) "We're going to have the American dream back soon. Together, we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country, and we will launch the most extraordinary economic boom the world has ever seen." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
90) "And I will deliver rising wages, soaring incomes, and a colossal surge of jobs. You're going to -- we're going to use things. What's the most beautiful word in the dictionary? We're going to create wealth opportunity for Americans of every race, religion, color, and creed." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
Promises 91-100: Make America Wealthy Again, drill baby drill
91) "We will make America wealthy again, and we will make America affordable again." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
92) "And I'm hereby calling for the death penalty for any migrant that kills an American citizen or a law enforcement officer. And I will ban all sanctuary cities in the United States of America." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
93) "We will get critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell out of our schools. [Audience responds affirmatively] And we will keep men out of women's sports." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
94) "I will make interest on car loans fully tax-deductible." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
95) "You know how we're going to end it? By drilling and drilling and drill, drill, drill. Energy is going to bring everything down. Energy is going to bring it down." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
96) "I will end inflation very quickly." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
97) "But they say, "But my groceries were so expensive." They'll be cheaper, your paychecks will be higher, your streets will be safer and cleaner, your communities will be richer, and your future as an American will be much better than it ever has been when I get in. Because this will be the golden age of America." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
98) "On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program of criminals in American history. I will rescue every city and town that has been invaded and conquered." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
99) "I will invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to target and dismantle every migrant criminal network operating on American soil." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
100) "We're going to build America, we're going to buy America, and we will hire America. I will end the war in Ukraine. Would have never started if I were president." — Grand Rapids, Nov. 4
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