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Ah, so! Second thoughts for Hoekstra's star?

Before the furor over Pete Hoekstra's "Debbie Spenditnow" ad dies down -- the usual suspects having read their lines and otherwise played the parts they were assigned earlier in the week -- take a moment to read this, a briefing on the Chinese-American actress whose role was right out of Central Casting, c. 1932.

An Asian blogger identifies her as Lisa Chan, 21, from the Bay Area, a former Miss Napa Valley with a sociology degree from the University of California at Berkeley and a history of work with a social-justice nonprofit she founded called The Strive.

In other words, not exactly a stereotypical Republican primary voter. The blogger hints she "feels terrible" about her decision to take the part, and that she may be preparing a statement. Which would mean she didn't sign a confidentiality agreement? Now that's a backstage story that might be worth telling.

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