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Butterfly fans want an official insect for Michigan. (It’s not the mosquito)

A black and yellow butterfly on a purple flower
Black swallowtail butterfly. (Department of Natural Resource)

LANSING – Three butterflies are racing to become Michigan’s official state insect – and one of them is ahead, at least politically.

The black swallowtail butterfly, a Michigan native, spends its whole life cycle in the state hibernating as pupa under leaves during winter and hatching in the spring. It can be found in every county of the state.

Because the black swallowtail is so easy to spot, it’s perfect for educating the public about pollinators, said Jeanette Meyer, the legislative affairs chair for Michigan Garden Clubs, a nonprofit organization that provides education and resources for local communities about gardening and the environment.

The organization and its members have been pushing to recognize the black swallowtail as a state symbol since 2016.


Michigan and Iowa are the only states without an official insect or butterfly, according to the Smithsonian Institution.

Now a bill to give the black swallowtail that status in Michigan has passed the House and is awaiting action in the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Agriculture. It is sponsored by Rep. Julie Brixie, D-Meridian Township,

Another state — Oklahoma – already made the black swallowtail its state insect in 1996.

One native competitor for the designation is the Karner blue, which is backed by Rep. Will Snyder, D-Muskegon, who voted against the black swallowtail.

The butterfly has a blue body. Its wings are grey with black, orange and white
Karner blue butterfly at the Allegan State Game Area in Fennville. (David Kenyon/ Department of Natural Resources)

The Karner blue is a federally endangered species and is listed as threatened in Michigan.

Snyder isn’t looking for a legislative battle: “I’m not going to make a butterfly war between my colleagues and I.”

Snyder said that a Muskegon artist and fourth-grade students from North Muskegon and Fremont Public Schools initiated the push for the Karner blue.

“They testified on the bill and they drew pictures,” he added. About four years later, when Snyder was elected a state representative, the local garden club asked him to reintroduce the bill in 2023.

The third competitor for state insect is the endangered monarch butterfly, which is an official symbol for seven other states, including Illinois. Rep. Brenda Carter, D-Pontiac, is the sponsor. 

A monarch butterfly. It wings are orange and black with white spots
Newly emerged monarch butterfly. (Matt Clara/ Department of Natural Resources)

Among Michigan’s other official symbols are the American robin (bird), brook trout (fish), apple blossom (flower), white-tailed deer (game mammal), painted turtle (reptile), Petoskey stone (stone), eastern white pine (tree) and dwarf lake iris (wildflower), according to the House Fiscal Agency.

While the three species of butterflies race for the title, there are several ways to support all of them, such as weeding out invasive plants, planting native species and reducing the use of pesticides, Meyer said. Instead of pesticides, encourage praying mantises and ladybugs to control pests.

And among native plants that some butterflies like are milkweed, dill, fennel, parsley and Queen Anne’s lace. Another way to support butterflies is by not raking your leaves so that they can overwinter as an egg, larva or pupa.

“Don’t rake your gardens until after they’ve had a chance to hatch in the spring,” said Meyer.

Lowering light pollution is another way to help butterflies and other pollinators such as fireflies.

This story was originally published by the Capital News Service. 

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