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See how much a 45-cent Michigan gas tax might cost you

August 29, 2019: Michigan House Dem leader says Whitmer’s 45-cent gas tax is probably dead

Hard on heels of auto insurance reform, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer continues to push her plans to nearly triple the state's gas tax to raise about $2 billion per year for roads.

So far, Republicans are balking and one poll shows the 45-cent increase is a big loser among Michigan residents ‒ even if those same residents have told other pollsters that roads are their No. 1 concern.

August 2019: Pressure builds on Michigan Republicans for roads plan to avoid shutdown​
Related: Here are 9 ways to build better roads in Michigan, from old tires to pig poop​
Related: Michigan House GOP plans to replace sales tax on gasoline to fund roads

If passed, Whitmer's gas tax would bring Michigan's rate to 71.3 cents a gallon, the highest in the nation. Pennsylvania is now the highest at 57.6 cents per gallon.

Below is a quick way to see how much more per week and year you'd pay if gas taxes rose 45 cents a gallon. Of course, it does not calculate the savings you might get in fewer car repairs, estimated at nearly $650 a year. Whitmer has repeatedly pointed out that motorists would pay more in gas taxes but pay less for new tires, lost hubcaps and wheel alignments caused by the state's worst-in-the nation road network.

So, how much would a 45-cent gas tax cost you? Use our tool below

Added weekly cost: $ 
Added annual cost: $ 

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