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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

Where Michigan stands on hunting, fishing fees

As Bridge reported last week, Gov. Rick Snyder is taking aim at Michigan’s outdoor bargains:

“The cost of shooting a deer in Michigan would double next year, under Gov. Rick Snyder’s proposed 2014 budget, and more conservation officers would patrol the state’s woods and waterways.

“Released Thursday, Snyder’s budget calls for $354.3 million for the Department of Natural Resources, which would allow the agency to hire 41 more conservation officers, improve more fish habitat, enhance wildlife management activities, expand some state game areas and improve trails.

“’Fundamentally, the budget is predicated on the role that natural resources play in the long-term recovery of Michigan,” DNR Director Keith Creagh said. “Our stakeholders (hunting and fishing groups) have said that we need some additional investment — in fisheries, wildlife and habitat.’”

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