Staring at screens when they most needed the refining fire of in-person interactions, these now late teens to early-20-somethings missed crucial steppingstones to adulthood.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a bill Wednesday that makes live organ donors eligible for a one-time $10,000 tax credit to help with costs associated with the procedure.
Five of the bills — which pertain to charter schools publicly posting information about salaries and displaying the names of their authorizers and management companies — already passed in the House.
Deploying our state’s resources in baseless activist cases is inappropriate, especially given that they target energy producers that Michiganders continue to depend on for their livelihoods.
Data server farms are big business. But it takes a ton of energy to store data in the cloud, prompting concerns among environmentalists. Michigan is poised to give the servers tens of millions of dollars in tax breaks.