Counties that voted for Joe Biden for president so far have sought more absentee ballots. But that may be cold comfort for Democrats since Republicans are more likely to vote in person.
Local school boards across Michigan are seeing more candidates running on LGBTQ books, transgender rights and history curricula than on the more prosaic concerns of school leaders, including budgets and boosting student achievement.
The Democrat in 2020 said she supported the ‘spirit’ of the ‘defund the police’ movement. One month before she’s up for re-election, she is touting increased police funding.
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Like many small business owners, Bruce and Jan Upston didn’t think much about a succession plan. But time, and a doctor’s visit, got them thinking about how to pass on all that the next owners will need to know.
Republican Senator Curt VanderWall and Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer are searching for companies who can manufacture the lifesaving drug in Michigan to lower costs. Two companies are talking back.
Voters want to hear about K-12 learning, the economy, abortion, college attainment and crime. Here’s what Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and her GOP challenger Tudor Dixon have said.