Stefanie Lambert, who has filed suits nationwide contesting the 2020 election, was arrested this week in Washington, D.C., and ordered to return to Michigan to face charges of tampering with voting machines.
Despite record funding, school test scores are getting worse in Michigan. Parents and students deserve accountability, and Democrats have shirked from common-sense plans.
The award-winning journalist was known for her ‘high standard,’ giving ‘voice to the voiceless’ and volunteer work for her beloved mid-Michigan home city.
Michigan governments sharing in a $1.5 billion opioid crisis settlement must invest in housing, peer recovery staff and harm reduction programs like syringe exchanges, according to a new report.
State regulators have shortened Michigan’s coyote hunting season from year-round to nine months, hoping to avoid killing parents while their pups are in the den. Not everyone likes the change.
Michigan is receiving $1.5 billion from an opioid settlement. Up North, experts worry that housing and worker shortages will make it hard to put the money to good use and help users.
Michigan schools have made vast security improvements because they have been given money and flexibility. Lansing should avoid a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach that only adds red tape.