Education reporter Isabel Lohman will be joined by experts on April 24 for a virtual discussion of how the changes to 2024’s FAFSA form are burdening Michigan students, families and educational institutions.
General Motors announced that it will be relocating its global headquarters from Detroit’s iconic Renaissance Center to the Hudson’s building downtown in 2025.
New personal financial disclosure filings confirm Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is a millionaire but otherwise shed little new light on finances or potential conflicts of interest for Michigan officials.
Rising salt levels in some Michigan groundwater is killing crops and tainting drinking water. The problem is especially severe in Ottawa County, which is closely monitoring the situation, and also of concern in Southwest Michigan and the Thumb.
Michigan residents who were impacted by severe weather last August have until June 17 to file their taxes. Otherwise, taxpayers who have not been granted an extension must file their taxes by April 15.
Since February, health officials say they’ve detected 16 new cases of mpox, an infection primarily found among men having sex with other men. Just four cases were reported last year.
State officials warned against eating too much of the silvery panfish due to high PFAS levels. Scientists now say that was an error, but aren’t yet ready to abandon fish consumption advisories altogether.
With a mental health crisis still rippling through schools, Michigan districts face tough decisions as funding expires for a pandemic-era program used to hire more than 800 counselors, psychologists and other support staff.