Social science researchers at Michigan State University hosted an experiment examining mansplaining’s impact on men and women. Spoiler alert: It hurts women more than men.
Deaths of pregnant and new moms underscore a stark disparity: Black women are nearly three times as likely to die from pregnancy-related causes as white women. Henry Ford Health in Detroit is trying a simple approach to narrow that gap.
Traffic fatalities rose 15 percent in Michigan since before the pandemic, mirroring a national increase that transportation officials blame on alcohol, speeding and distracted driving.
A lawyer for Hao, one of five critically injured students, said MSU acted with ‘gross negligence’ in its safety and security actions. He is the third injured student to file notice of suit. Three other students were killed in the February attack.
A federal judge in Wisconsin has ordered Enbridge to reroute its Line 5 pipeline around Native American land within three years. The judge also found the Canadian energy giant trespassed on the land and must pay more than $5 million.
The Michigan Supreme Court will soon decide whether to increase the minimum wage for hourly and tipped workers. Restaurants say that hurt will servers and lead to layoffs. Proponents say servers deserve better pay.
Democrats advanced bills that would give clerks up to 8 days to count absentee ballots before an election to reduce delays and misinformation. GOP lawmakers say it would open the door to election fraud.