More than 85 percent of those in Michigan prisons will return home. What do we want that to look like? Ensuring they’re prepared for jobs once they leave makes them less likely to return and keeps communities safer.
Over $20 billion of investments in Michigan relating to EVs and solar panels are expected to add more than 13,700 jobs. But these opportunities may evaporate if investors stop trusting the U.S. government is as good as its word.
Democrats must stop measuring how much they love public education by how much taxpayers’ money they spend. We need vertically aligned public schools that hold leaders accountable for students’ academic success.
State attorneys said in court documents the Edenville dam owner knew of flaws back in 2010 but took no action. Instead, he spent money on a sawmill and nearly $500,000 on a music festival.
Michigan leads the nation in potatoes produced for potato chips, but a deadly disease is killing up to half of potato farmers’ yield. MSU researchers are working on an environmentally safe treatment to slow disease spread.