Transparency roadblocks are falling as the Michigan Senate prepares to take up public records requests legislation that for the first time would subject the governor and Legislature to the Freedom of Information Act.
The state may not look a day over 185, but today is the anniversary of Michigan joining the union in 1837. Brush up on some lesser known Michigan facts.
The Democrat came into office criticizing lawmakers’ pet projects. Buoyed by a federal windfall, she and fellow lawmakers — including Republicans — have learned to love them.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is working to help re-elect President Joe Biden. But if he drops out, experts predict Whitmer could be a top pick to replace him at the Democratic National Convention.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proposes tax credit to offset costs like transportation, counseling, nursing and respite care. But many details are scarce and may not be known for weeks.
Derided as ‘polluter panels,’ oversight boards were created by Republicans in 2018 to review state environmental regulations. Democrats who control the Legislature heard testimony Thursday to nix two panels.
CMU’s president counters the narrative that college is not worth the trouble. A degree is increasingly essential for employment and, collectively, for our state’s future. CMU has a plan for proving its worth to students.
In her sixth State of the State speech, Whitmer outlined 10 goals. Most are more modest than in years past, reflecting the reality of an election year and temporarily split House of Representatives.
The Democratic governor gave her sixth State of the State address on Wednesday. It was included about 10 goals, lots of references to 1980s rock anthems and praise for the Detroit Lions. Read the speech.