Bipartisan bills in the House and Senate aim to refocus the state’s criminal justice system around greater emphasis on rehabilitation and diversion for juvenile offenders.
Michigan’s large-scale business incentives program has drawn growing criticism for awarding billions of dollars to automakers and other industries with little accountability and questions about the quality of jobs it brings in return.
Roughly 87 years since Arctic grayling were spotted in Michigan, the iridescent fish will soon be fishable in a handful of Upper Peninsula lakes. The state hopes to eventually build a self-sustaining population in the Lower Peninsula.
Despite a 2008 federal law that requires insurers to cover mental health and substance abuse treatment like other illnesses, families say insurers continue to deny such coverage, making new state laws essential.
A decade ago, Michigan made student performance on tests a component of teacher evals. But students continued to struggle, and teachers kept getting good evaluations. Will new bills improve student performance?