States must reassess eligibility for everyone on Medicaid — more than 3 million people in Michigan, alone. Two months into the state’s year-long process, state health leaders still struggle to get word out to fill out paperwork.
In all, 16 Republican activists are facing felonies on charges they submitted false paperwork asserting Donald Trump won Michigan in an effort to keep him in the White House.
Documents related to the kidnapping plot were presented in open court, but the AG’s office refused to release them to the public. A judge said Nessel had no basis to do so, and is now weighing imposing attorney’s fees on the state for its refusal.
Michigan’s new budget funds $5 million in research into a mileage-based tax to fund road repairs. The state will also seek federal grant funding for a pilot project.
The Democrats’ $80-billion-plus budget needlessly fritters away an historic surplus to fund partisan pet projects ranging from solar farms to opera houses and zen zones, instead of investing more in roads and public safety.
The Michigan Sierra Club is urging U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow to add the proposal to the farm bill. The designation would keep motorized vehicles from a small portion of Ottawa National Park but won’t restrict hunting, fishing or camping.
West Michigan’s Patmos Library will add labels describing the content of books to its 90,000-volume collection to regain taxpayer support. The library hopes that it will earn support for a new millage vote in November.
Michigan State is addressing the state’s critical workforce needs by accelerating its teaching program, expanding nursing enrollment and serving as a pipeline for in-state engineering jobs, particularly in the auto industry.
Consumers Energy is weighing what to do with old, hydropower dams that cost more to operate and maintain than the value of the energy they provide. But removing the dams has consequences for major rivers and local economies.