Lawyers for slain students Brian Fraser and Arielle Anderson, and for an injured student, Hanyang Tao, filed court papers that may be a prelude to suit. Seven of the eight students shot in February have now filed court notices.
Fire danger has much of Michigan at high or very high risk of wildfires. Burn bans are in effect in many cities which may impact the use of fireworks for Fourth of July weekend.
A bipartisan bill would extend the right that members of the military have to vote electronically when overseas to their spouses and dependents as well.
Michigan has failed children in foster care by sending them to classes in state facilities that did not provide credit toward graduation. The state must require better judicial oversight to help them fulfill their educational needs.
Awarding taxpayer subsidies is ineffective at creating jobs, unfair to businesses that don’t get them and expensive to governments. Worse still, those receiving them need not demonstrate subsidy programs actually work.
Temperatures have crested 70 degrees in the Saginaw Bay and nearing that threshold in Lake Michigan and Lake Erie. By August, temperatures are expected to be warmer than normal.