Whitmer signed a $19.6 billion budget that includes $1.9 billion for services for students with disabilities. It also funds mental health, school safety, and recruitment effort
Reporters Lauren Gibbons, Jonathan Oosting and Yue Stella Yu will analyze the election results in a conversation moderated by managing editor Joel Kurth.
Whitmer’s tax cut plan would help the working poor and retirees and provide immediate relief, while the GOP plan would offer wider aid but could blow a hole in the budget.
Recreational and charter fishing groups filed a request Wednesday seeking a seat at the table as Michigan regulators negotiate with five tribes over fishing rights.
My Detroit court is implementing procedures and standards to ensure that the use of unaffordable bail is limited to the rare cases where someone accused of a crime presents a real flight risk or danger to the public.
Michigan’s busiest district court will limit the use of cash bail, saying the practice disproportionately burdens poor people and puts them behind bars.