An 11th-hour lawsuit from Republican gubernatorial hopeful Perry Johnson asks federal courts to order him back on the ballot. If not, 'I will have lost substantial amounts of money,' Johnson writes.
The Barry County sheriff files suit claiming state police are interfering with his probe. Local officials say they wish Leaf would probe ‘some of the other situations in the county, everything from drugs to murders to God knows what.”
Currently it can take as long as three to six months for a patient to get established with a primary care provider. Nurse practitioners are part of the solution to making medical care more accessible and affordable across the state.
Republican gubernatorial candidates down to five after court rejects lawsuits to allow James Craig, Perry Johnson and Michael Markey on the ballot despite forged petition signatures.
Billions of federal bailout dollars, a climate crisis and experimental new technologies have prompted a political resurgence. But experts say it may be too late to save Michigan’s shuttered Palisades plant.