Hospitality workers say rude customers, financial uncertainty and staffing shortages are taking a toll. Now a few restaurants are funding mental health counseling for staff who struggle with the added tensions of the pandemic.
Michigan has an enormous opportunity for its next economic renaissance. We can’t deliver on that vast potential while dead last in educational investment.
In Michigan, childhood vaccine rates have fallen through the pandemic, and they weren’t great even before COVID. Tens of thousands of toddlers are not fully vaccinated, opening the door for possible outbreaks of life-threatening diseases.
Michigan House Republicans have proposed lowering the income tax rate for workers and retirees — a plan that could cost the state roughly $2 billion per year.
A lawsuit challenging the university’s rule that students and staff must be vaccinated was dismissed Wednesday in federal court. The plaintiffs vow to appeal.
An elementary school principal tries to set a respectful tone as students and families return to class for the first time in a long time without the requirement of wearing a mask.
Supporters say it will allow doctors to prescribe not-yet-approved drugs for dying COVID patients. Critics say it’s not needed, and is an effort to bully doctors into dispensing an unproven drug touted by conservatives.