Michigan residents who’ve suffered catastrophic injuries in auto accidents risk losing specialized services if the Legislature doesn’t make a technical correction to no-fault reform.
Activists fear a group that may make recommendations on a wolf hunt is stacked with partisans. Tribes and Upper Peninsula hunters have similar complaints about the panel.
A citizens group charged with taking the politics out of the redistricting process draws fire because an adviser donated to Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.
Michigan Medicine, the University of Michigan's Ann Arbor-based health system, announced Thursday it is postponing some surgical procedures because of the crush of COVID-19 patients filling its emergency rooms and hospital beds.
The CDC director pushed Wednesday for “stronger mitigation strategies” in Michigan, including shutting down contact sports, as the state’s positive test rates and hospitalizations continue to surge. The governor is resisting another clamp down.
Approved by voters in 2018, the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Panel faces several hurdles but could take a big step forward Thursday in its quest to reverse gerrymandering.
Michigan plans to distribute thousands of doses of the one-shot Johnson and Johnson vaccine to public and private colleges in coming days, in hopes of immunizing students before they leave campuses as the school year ends.
Michigan schools must give the state standardized test, but fewer students might take it this year than normal. State education officials contend pandemic learning was too chaotic this year to yield an accurate portrait of student achievement.
Vaccines have protected Michigan’s oldest residents in this latest surge that’s fueled, at last in part, by more contagious variants. Though hospital beds are filling, younger patients are more likely to survive the virus.