With white residents overrepresented at the county’s first vaccination sites, county officials and Spectrum Health partnered to open clinics specifically geared to advantage Black and Hispanic residents in those areas.
A Macomb County teacher has seen from the inside how state policies and underfunding of schools has shriveled the state’s teacher pool. Now, we’re paying the price.
With a blizzard of new “free tuition” programs, it can be confusing who qualifies for what and where. Here’s a place to start your research on the real cost of higher education across Michigan.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s programs offering tuition-free community college to low-income students and frontline workers have fueled a race among four-year universities to promote similar deals. Millions of Michigan residents can now qualify for free or deeply discounted degrees.
In stunning testimony, a militia member-turned-informant says the only thing keeping militia members from storming the Michigan Capitol last year is their realization they could just walk in with their guns.
Inoculation rates for older residents vary widely in Michigan. It’s one-third in some areas and 80 percent in others. That has some worried as eligibility expands to those 50 and older with underlying conditions Monday.
A massive vaccination program has given MSU hope to return to something close to normal in the fall. But as with everything in the pandemic, those plans are subject to change.
Open records reform has the votes. It has momentum following an outcry over Gov. Whitmer’s secret payments to top aides. But the Senate majority leader has blocked similar legislation before.