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Hundreds of Michigan schools don’t have a gym teacher. Does yours?

For tens of thousands of Michigan school children, regular gym class is something they know exists, but haven’t experienced themselves.

Across the state about 500 schools — roughly 1 in 5 — do not have certified gym teachers. It’s a severe problem in Detroit where almost half the schools are without gym teachers, but the issue is not limited to the city or to traditional school districts.

An analysis from Chalkbeat, a Bridge Magazine reporting partner, compared data on physical education teachers to other state data. The records show that gym teachers are missing from suburban, rural, and urban districts as well as from charter schools.

Related: Detroit finally has money to hire teachers. Good luck finding them.
Related: Detroit schools' outdated curriculum sets students up to fail, audit finds​

Chalkbeat compared the list of all schools with certified physical education teachers to the state’s most recent school ranking list and identified  hundreds of schools without gym teachers.

The state school ranking list only includes schools that have at least two years of state testing data from at least 30 students who have been tested in two subjects so it doesn’t include new schools or those that serve a high percentage of children with severe disabilities but the analysis included 2,700 Michigan schools.

Research shows physical activity is linked to better academic performance and a slew of other positive effects, yet gym class has been one of the first subjects to be cut in schools.

In Michigan, there are no laws requiring schools to offer recess. As for physical education, schools are required to offer the class, but the amount of time isn’t specified. That means that a school could limit gym class to once or twice a year.

“Physical education is required in public schools at all levels, but what that looks like is up to the local districts,” a state spokesman said. “In general, budget reasons prevent schools from hiring physical education-endorsed teachers, but schools also may have difficulty finding a teacher with the proper endorsement.”

Related Michigan education stories:

Schools in Michigan are not judged by how long students spend in gym. Instead, they are heavily judged by how well students perform on math and reading exams. In response, schools have focused their resources on core subjects to make more time for instruction and test prep, cutting back on the arts and gym and cutting recess.

In fact, schools are so focused on testing that state legislators charged the Michigan Department of Education to cut it back in 2018. The Detroit district also approved a major reduction in testing this summer.

In Detroit, at least, the schools missing gym teachers might soon get them. Superintendent Nikolai Vitti announced earlier this month that there is money in the budget for every school in the district to have a gym teacher.

Look through the list of Michigan schools without a gym teacher below. Search by school or district. To see a list of schools that do have certified physical education teachers, and see which schools have more than one, click here.

No gym class

Nearly 500 schools across Michigan do not have a certified gym teacher, according to research by Chalkbeat, including 40 Detroit schools and dozens of charter schools across the state. You can search this list by district or county. Charter schools are in italics and enrollment is for those schools for which it was available.

Academy of WaterfordOaklandAcademy of Waterford 
AdrianLenaweeAdrian Middle School 5/6 Building 
AdrianLenaweeAdrian Middle School 7/8 Building 
AlbionCalhounAlbion Community School 
Allen AcademyWayneAllen Academy 
AlmaGratiotDonald L. Pavlik Middle School502
American International AcademyWayneAmerican International Academy 
Arenac EasternArenacArenac Eastern Elementary/Middle School 
ArmadaMacombOrville C. Krause Later Elementary School 
Battle CreekCalhounFremont School 
Battle CreekCalhounUrbandale School 
Bay City AcademyBayBay City Academy - Madison Arts Campus 
Benton HarborBerrienMontessori Academy at Henry C Morton 
Benzie Co. CentralBenziePlatte River Elementary School 
BrandonOaklandBrandon Academy of Arts and Sciences 
BrandonOaklandBrandon Fletcher Intermediate School 
Bridge AcademyWayneBridge Academy - Elementary 
CapacSt. ClairCapac Middle School 
ClarkstonOaklandBailey Lake Elementary School 
ClarkstonOaklandClarkston Community Education 
Conner Creek Academy EastMacombConner Creek Academy East - MI Collegiate High 
Conner Creek Academy EastMacombConner Creek Academy East - MI Collegiate Middle 
DearbornWayneDearborn 6/7 STEM School 
DetroitWayneA.L Holmes Elementary-Middle School 
DetroitWayneOsborn College Preparatory Academy 
DetroitWayneOsborn Evergreen Academy of Design and Alternative Energy 
DetroitWayneWright, Charles School 
Dollar Bay-TamarackHoughtonDollar Bay High School 
Dollar Bay-TamarackHoughtonT.R. Davis Elementary School 
Dream AcademyBerrienDream Academy 
DrydenLapeerDryden Elementary School 
East DetroitMacombBellview Elementary School 
East DetroitMacombEast Detroit High School 
East DetroitMacombKellwood School (Alternative) 
East DetroitMacombKelly Middle School 
East DetroitMacombPleasantview Elementary School 
East JordanCharlevoixEast Jordan High School 
Experiencia Preparatory AcademyWayneExperiencia Preparatory Academy 
FairviewOscodaFairview School 
FarmingtonOaklandHighmeadow Common Campus School 
FarmingtonOaklandO.E. Dunckel Middle School 
FarmingtonOaklandPower Upper Elementary School 
FarmingtonOaklandWarner Upper Elementary School 
FerndaleOaklandCoolidge Intermediate School 
FerndaleOaklandJohn F. Kennedy School 
FerndaleOaklandRoosevelt Primary School 
Glen LakeLeelanauGlen Lake Elementary School 
Glen LakeLeelanauMaple City-Glen Lake Jr/Sr High School 
Grand BlancGeneseeCity School 
Grand River PreparatoryHigh SchoolKentGrand River Preparatory High School 
Gratiot-Isabella RESDGratiotGIRESD Center Programs 
Grattan AcademyKentGrattan Academy - Elementary 
Gull LakeKalamazooThomas M. Ryan Intermediate School 
HancockHoughtonHancock Central High School 
HancockHoughtonHancock Middle School 
HartfordVan BurenWoodside Elementary School 
Hope of Detroit AcademyWayneHope of Detroit Academy 
HowellLivingstonSoutheast Elementary School 
HudsonvilleOttawaJamestown Elementary School 
Huron AcademyMacombHuron Academy 
Huron ValleyOaklandBrooks Elementary School 
International Preparatory AcademyWayneInternational Preparatory Academy - MacDowell Campus 
Jefferson International AcademyOaklandJefferson International Academy 
JeffersonMonroeJefferson Elementary 5th/6th 
L'AnseBaragaL'Anse High School 
L'AnseBaragaSullivan Elementary School 
Lake Linden-HubbellHoughtonLake Linden-Hubbell Elem. School 
Lake Linden-HubbellHoughtonLake Linden-Hubbell High School 
Lake OrionOaklandPine Tree Elementary School 
LansingInghamLansing K-8 STEM Magnet Academy 
LivoniaWayneCass Elementary School 
ManchesterWashtenawManchester High School 
ManchesterWashtenawManchester Middle School 
Winans AcademyWayneMarvin L. Winans Academy of Performing Arts Elem. 
Winans AcademyWayneWinans Academy Middle School 
Michigan Educational Choice CenterWayneMurphy Performance Academy 
Michigan Educational Choice CenterWayneStewart Performance Academy 
Michigan Educational Choice CenterWayneTrix Performance Academy 
Michigan Mathematics and Science AcademyMacombMichigan Mathematics and Science Academy 
MidlandMidlandEastlawn School 
Monroe ISDMonroeMonroe County Middle College 
Mt. PleasantIsabellaWest Intermediate School 
Nataki Talibah Schoolhouse of DetroitWayneNataki Talibah Schoolhouse of Detroit 
New HavenMacombEndeavour Middle School 
New Paradigm Loving AcademyWayneNew Paradigm Loving Academy 
Nexus Academy of Grand RapidsKentNexus Academy of Grand Rapids 
Nexus Academy of LansingInghamNexus Academy of Lansing 
Niles BerrienHoward Community School 
Niles BerrienOak Manor Sixth Grade Center 
Old Redford AcademyWayneOld Redford Academy - Elementary 
Old Redford AcademyWayneOld Redford Academy - Middle 
PinckneyLivingstonPinckney Community High School 
PontiacOaklandWhitmer Human Resource Center 
RomeoMacombHamilton Parsons Elem. School 
Ross-Hill AcademyWayneRoss-Hill Academy - Elementary 
ShepherdIsabellaShepherd Elementary School 
ShepherdIsabellaShepherd High School 
South LyonOaklandMillennium Middle School 
SouthfieldOaklandBrace-Lederle K-8 School 
SouthfieldOaklandSouthfield High School 
SouthfieldOaklandSouthfield-Lathrup High School 
Southwest Detroit LighthouseWayneSouthwest Detroit Lighthouse Charter Academy 
St. JohnsClintonEast Olive Elementary School 
Standish-SterlingArenacStandish Elementary School 
Standish-SterlingArenacStandish-Sterling Central High School 
Standish-SterlingArenacStandish-Sterling Middle School 
StephensonMenomineeStephenson High School 
StockbridgeInghamStockbridge High School 
TaylorWayneSixth Grade Academy 
TecumsehLenaweeHerrick Park Elementary School 
TecumsehLenaweePatterson Elementary School 
TecumsehLenaweeSutton Elementary School 
TecumsehLenaweeTecumseh Acres Elementary School 
TecumsehLenaweeTecumseh Middle School 
Timbuktu AcademyWayneTimbuktu Academy of Science and Technology 
Traverse CityGrand TraverseInterlochen Community School 
VassarTuscolaVassar Middle School 
William C. Abney AcademyKentWilliam C. Abney Academy - Middle School 
YpsilantiWashtenawAdams STEM Academy 
YpsilantiWashtenawYpsilanti New Tech High School 
Grand BlancGeneseeGrand Blanc Community High School2694
PortageKalamazooPortage Central High School1356
PortageKalamazooPortage Northern High School1315
FarmingtonOaklandNorth Farmington High School1264
Mona ShoresMuskegonMona Shores High School1247
LapeerLapeerLapeer High School1187
FarmingtonOaklandFarmington High School1115
Carman-AinsworthGeneseeCarman-Ainsworth Middle School953
DetroitWayneBrown, Ronald Academy924
Hazel ParkOaklandHazel Park High School916
FarmingtonOaklandHarrison High School866
MarysvilleSt. ClairMarysville High School858
Dr. Joseph F. Pollack Academic Center of ExcellenceOaklandDr. Joseph F. Pollack Academic Center of Excellence833
HamtramckWayneDickinson East Elementary School827
HowellLivingstonParker Middle School824
SturgisSt. JosephSturgis Middle School788
DetroitWayneDavison Elementary-Middle School784
CorunnaShiawasseeCorunna High School768
Taylor Exemplar AcademyWayneTaylor Exemplar Academy768
DetroitWaynePriest Elementary-Middle School743
LapeerLapeerRolland Warner Campus 6/7742
PortageKalamazooPortage West Middle School733
GaylordOtsegoGaylord Intermediate School727
L'Anse CreuseMacombL'Anse Creuse Middle School - North719
FreelandSaginawFreeland Elementary School718
Washtenaw Technical Middle CollegeWashtenawWashtenaw Technical Middle College709
Cesar Chavez AcademyWayneCesar Chavez High School694
PortageKalamazooPortage Central Middle School690
DetroitWayneForeign Language Immersion and Cultural Studies681
Godwin HeightsKentGodwin Heights Senior High School677
L'Anse CreuseMacombL'Anse Creuse Middle School - East671
Redford UnionWayneBeech Elementary653
HowellLivingstonThree Fires Elementary649
FlintGeneseeDurant Tuuri Mott School636
OscodaIoscoRichardson Elementary School634
Bridgeport-SpauldingSaginawBridgeport High School628
PlainwellAlleganPlainwell Middle School626
Byron CenterKentByron Center West Middle School616
CoopersvilleOttawaCoopersville South Elementary School599
LansingInghamNorth School592
West OttawaOttawaWoodside Elementary School584
FennvilleAlleganFennville Elementary School582
Trillium AcademyWayneTrillium Academy582
BrandonOaklandBrandon Middle School581
PortageKalamazooMoorsbridge Elementary School579
Bay City AcademyBayKolb Elementary School578
Dearborn Heights #7WayneOakley W. Best Middle School578
SaginawSaginawSaginaw High School577
PortageKalamazooPortage North Middle School576
HudsonvilleOttawaGeorgetown Elementary School564
University Yes AcademyWayneUniversity Yes Academy564
FrankenmuthSaginawFrankenmuth High School555
Charyl Stockwell AcademyLivingstonCharyl Stockwell Academy550
ClarencevilleWayneClarenceville High School550
Lake CityMissaukeeLake City Elementary School547
DetroitWayneFisher Magnet Lower Academy546
Cass CityTuscolaCass City Elementary539
Forest HillsKentNorthern Trails 5/6 School536
Port HuronSt. ClairHolland Woods Middle School534
CharlotteEatonCharlotte Upper Elementary529
Henry Ford AcademyWayneHenry Ford Academy528
DetroitWayneBow Elementary-Middle School525
FarmingtonOaklandGill Elementary School518
MontagueMuskegonOehrli Elementary School518
SaranacIoniaSaranac Elementary School515
Hope AcademyWayneHope Academy514
PlainwellAlleganStarr Elementary School514
Westwood HeightsGeneseeAcademy West Alternative Education512
Morley StanwoodMecostaMorley Stanwood Elementary School510
LansingInghamPleasant View Magnet School507
OxfordOaklandClear Lake Elementary School507
MarysvilleSt. ClairGardens Elementary School504
Grand RapidsKentOttawa Hills High School501
DetroitWayneDurfee Elementary-Middle School498
DetroitWayneBrewer Elementary-Middle School495
DetroitWayneDixon Elementary School495
L'Anse CreuseMacombL'Anse Creuse Middle School - South493
Tri CountyMontcalmTri County Middle School491
Central MontcalmMontcalmCentral Montcalm Upper Elem. School488
LansingInghamPattengill Academy487
MemphisSt. ClairMemphis Junior/Senior High School486
KearsleyGeneseeLeota Fiedler Elementary School483
Forest HillsKentAda Vista Elementary School481
DetroitWayneSchulze Elementary-Middle School479
HowellLivingstonChallenger Elementary School479
PontiacOaklandAlcott School479
ClarkstonOaklandIndependence Elementary School477
GreenvilleMontcalmLincoln Heights Elem. School476
Dove Academy of DetroitWayneDove Academy of Detroit475
HudsonvilleOttawaAlward Elementary School475
HowellLivingstonRuahmah J. Hutchings Elementary474
Lake FentonGeneseeTorrey Hill Intermediate School473
Woodhaven-BrownstownWayneWegienka Elementary School471
DetroitWayneBennett Elementary School466
New LothropShiawasseeNew Lothrop Elementary School466
Grand RapidsKentCesar E. Chavez Elementary464
North MuskegonMuskegonNorth Muskegon Elementary School462
CassopolisCassSam Adams Elementary School458
Mason (Ingham)InghamAlaiedon Elementary School457
FarmingtonOaklandLongacre Elementary School455
JacksonJacksonHunt Elementary School452
West MI Academy of Arts and AcademicsOttawaWest MI Academy of Arts and Academics451
Garden CityWayneDouglas Elementary 3-4 Campus450
WhitehallMuskegonWhitehall Ealy Elem. School449
Garden CityWayneFarmington 5-6 Campus446
SaginawSaginawThompson Middle School446
Mason (Monroe)MonroeMason Central School442
MorenciLenaweeMorenci Middle and High School438
Tri CountyMontcalmSand Lake Elementary School438
HollyOaklandPatterson Elementary School435
MilanWashtenawClayton H. Symons Elementary School435
DetroitWayneFisher Magnet Upper Academy431
DetroitWayneClark, J.E. Preparatory Academy430
Grosse PointeWayneJohn Monteith Elementary School430
Houghton-PortageHoughtonHoughton Central High School429
SpringportJacksonSpringport Elementary School427
KearsleyGeneseeKate Dowdall Elementary School425
NorthviewKentNorth Oakview Elementary School424
White CloudNewaygoWhite Cloud Elementary School424
PinconningBayPinconning High School421
AvondaleOaklandR. Grant Graham Elem. School420
BerkleyOaklandAngell Elementary School420
Martin Luther King, Jr. Education Center AcademyWayneMartin Luther King, Jr. Education Center Academy419
Lakeshore (Berrien)BerrienHollywood Elementary School418
AlconaAlconaAlcona Community High School417
Jalen Rose Leadership AcademyWayneJalen Rose Leadership Academy416
Bay CityBayMacGregor Elementary School414
DetroitWayneMason Elementary School413
LapeerLapeerMayfield Elementary School413
Detroit Academy of Arts & SciencesWayneDetroit Academy of Arts and Sciences Middle School411
LindenGeneseeHyatt Elementary411
Imlay CityLapeerBorland Elementary School407
MillingtonTuscolaMillington High School407
FarmingtonOaklandKenbrook Elementary School404
Detroit Leadership AcademyWayneDetroit Leadership Academy Middle/High401
West OttawaOttawaLakeshore Elementary School399
QuincyBranchQuincy Middle School397
SaranacIoniaSaranac Jr/Sr High School396
Oakland InternationalWayneOakland International Academy - High School395
BerkleyOaklandRogers Elementary School392
Sand CreekLenaweeRuth McGregor Elementary School391
Union CityBranchUnion City Elementary School390
DetroitWaynePasteur Elementary School386
DetroitWayneBenjamin Carson School for Science and Medicine385
GladwinGladwinGladwin Intermediate School385
AirportMonroeWagar 7/8 Middle School383
FrankenmuthSaginawLorenz C. List School383
MemphisSt. ClairMemphis Elementary School383
CaroTuscolaCaro Middle School381
GladwinGladwinGladwin Junior High School378
LapeerLapeerElva Lynch Elementary School378
SaginawSaginawKempton Elementary School377
DetroitWayneBagley Elementary School376
LansingInghamGier Park School376
AirportMonroeWagar 5/6 Middle School375
KalkaskaKalkaskaBirch Street Elementary School373
SaginawSaginawJessie Loomis School373
Harper WoodsWayneBeacon Elementary School372
SaginawSaginawHerig School372
ClioGeneseeGeorge A. Lacure Elem. School371
SaginawSaginawArthur Eddy Academy371
Houghton LakeRoscommonHoughton Lake Middle School370
Whitmore LakeWashtenawWhitmore Lake High School370
FarmingtonOaklandWood Creek Elementary School368
LansingInghamWexford Montessori Magnet School367
Bridgeport-SpauldingSaginawBridgeport-Spaulding Middle School-Schrah366
New Branches Charter AcademyKentNew Branches Charter Academy366
Grand BlancGeneseeLillian G. Mason Elementary School365
DetroitWayneCarstens Elementary-Middle School363
KalamazooKalamazooWashington Writers' Academy363
MarquetteMarquetteSuperior Hills Elementary School363
Forest HillsKentThornapple Elementary School360
LapeerLapeerC.K. Schickler Elementary School360
Saginaw Preparatory AcademySaginawSaginaw Preparatory Academy360
Big RapidsMecostaBrookside Elementary School359
DetroitWayneSpain Elementary-Middle School359
DetroitWayneNolan Elementary-Middle School359
St. CharlesSaginawSt. Charles Elementary School359
CharlotteEatonCharlotte Middle School355
HoltonMuskegonHolton Elementary School354
MarquetteMarquetteSandy Knoll School351
Kent CityKentKent City High School349
Carman-AinsworthGeneseeMott Middle College High School348
DetroitWayneMann Elementary School348
HollyOaklandHolly Elementary School346
Grand RapidsKentMartin Luther King Leadership Academy344
Detroit Innovation AcademyWayneDetroit Innovation Academy343
Arts Academy in the WoodsMacombArts Academy in the Woods342
DetroitWayneHutchinson Elementary-Middle School342
Bangor Twp (Bay)BayBangor Central School341
Harper WoodsWayneTyrone Elementary School339
KentwoodKentBowen Elementary338
FrankenmuthSaginawE.F. Rittmueller Middle School337
Detroit Public Safety AcademyWayneDetroit Public Safety Academy336
Eaton AcademyMacombEaton Academy333
EcorseWayneGrandPort Elementary Academy333
SaginawSaginawStone School333
Genesee STEM AcademyGeneseeGenesee STEM Academy329
DetroitWayneMedicine and Community Health Academy at Cody328
Detroit Community SchoolsWayneDetroit Community Schools - High School327
SummerfieldMonroeSummerfield Elementary School327
DetroitWayneNeinas Dual Language Learning Academy326
FowlerClintonWaldron Elementary and Middle School326
OtsegoAlleganDix Street Elementary School325
St. JohnsClintonRiley Elementary School325
IoniaIoniaR.B. Boyce Elementary School323
SaginawSaginawHandley School323
Bangor Twp (Bay)BayBangor Lincoln School321
Godwin HeightsKentNorth Godwin Elementary School320
JacksonJacksonDibble Elementary School320
RockfordKentRockford Spanish Immersion320
FennvilleAlleganFennville Middle School319
Creative Technologies AcademyKentCreative Technologies Academy318
MarcellusCassMarcellus Elementary School317
PottervilleEatonPotterville Elementary School317
Evart Public SchoolsOsceolaEvart Elementary School316
MarysvilleSt. ClairMorton Elementary School316
DetroitWayneCarver Elementary-Middle School315
JacksonJacksonNortheast Elementary School315
Mio-AuSableOscodaMio-AuSable High School315
DetroitWayneDetroit International Academy for Young Women313
AlmaGratiotPine Avenue Elementary School312
NapoleonJacksonNapoleon Middle School312
LansingInghamSheridan Road310
DetroitWayneRobeson Academy, Malcolm X Academy309
Inland LakesCheboyganInland Lakes Elementary School309
MillingtonTuscolaMillington Junior High School309
SaginawSaginawChester F. Miller School308
FlintGeneseeFreeman School307
Grosse PointeWayneLewis Maire Elementary School305
DetroitWayneBlackwell Institute304
Academy for Business and TechnologyWayneAcademy for Business and Technology Elementary302
DetroitWayneMaybury Elementary School302
PinconningBayPinconning Middle School301
EcorseWayneRalph J. Bunche Academy300
Detroit Leadership AcademyWayneDetroit Leadership Academy Elementary299
SaginawSaginawZilwaukee K-8 School299
DetroitWayneCarleton Elementary School298
DetroitWayneGreenfield Union Elementary-Middle School297
North Star AcademyMarquetteNorth Star Academy296
FarmingtonOaklandBeechview Elementary School295
Kaleva Norman DicksonManisteeKND Elementary291
OtsegoAlleganAlamo Elementary School291
LansingInghamLewton School290
Academy for Business and TechnologyWayneAcademy for Business and Technology High School288
FlintGeneseeDoyle/Ryder School288
Chippewa HillsMecostaWeidman Elementary School285
OnawayPresque IsleOnaway Elementary School285
Mar LeeCalhounMar Lee School283
PlainwellAlleganCooper Elementary School283
Grand RapidsKentStocking Elementary281
Greater Heights AcademyGeneseeGreater Heights Academy280
MarquetteMarquetteGraveraet Elementary School280
Dowagiac UnionCassJustus Gage Elementary School279
JacksonJacksonFrost Elementary School279
SaginawSaginawMerrill Park Elementary School276
JacksonJacksonSharp Park Academy275
DeckervilleSanilacDeckerville Community High School274
LansingInghamLyons School274
BendleGeneseeBendle Middle School271
DurandShiawasseeRobert Kerr School271
AlleganAlleganWest Ward Elementary School268
Dowagiac UnionCassPatrick Hamilton Elementary268
Hamilton AcademyWayneHamilton Academy266
Grand Rapids Child Discovery CenterKentGrand Rapids Child Discovery Center262
Morley StanwoodMecostaMorley Stanwood Middle School262
AlleganAlleganNorth Ward Elementary School261
PittsfordHillsdalePittsford Area High School261
Bay CityBayLinsday Elementary School260
Hazel ParkOaklandInvest Roosevelt Alternative High School260
LansingInghamCumberland School260
Will Carleton Charter School AcademyHillsdaleWill Carleton Charter School Academy259
LansingInghamCavanaugh School251
Frankfort-ElbertaBenzieFrankfort High School250
ParchmentKalamazooParchment North Elem. School250
Honey Creek Community SchoolWashtenawHoney Creek Community School249
Northridge AcademyGeneseeNorthridge Academy248
OxfordOaklandOxford Virtual Academy248
ParchmentKalamazooParchment Central Elem. School248
ColonSt. JosephColon Elementary School244
SpringportJacksonSpringport Middle School243
LansingInghamPost Oak School242
SaginawSaginawJessie Rouse School241
AtlantaMontmorencyAtlanta Community Schools239
HillmanMontmorencyHillman Community Jr/Sr High School238
Chippewa HillsMecostaMecosta Elementary School236
Grand RapidsKentMulick Park Elementary School235
LansingInghamMt. Hope School235
PittsfordHillsdalePittsford Area Elem. School234
AlleganAlleganDawson Elementary School232
Adams TownshipHoughtonSouth Range Elementary School231
AlansonEmmetAlanson Public School230
BrimleyChippewaBrimley Jr./Sr. High229
Chippewa HillsMecostaBarryton Elementary School229
Rutherford Winans AcademyWayneRutherford Winans Academy221
DetroitWayneCody Academy of Public Leadership217
Woodland SchoolGrand TraverseWoodland School217
DetroitWayneMark Twain Elementary-Middle School216
DetroitWayneAnn Arbor Trail Magnet School215
YpsilantiWashtenawYpsilanti STEMM Middle College215
Plymouth-CantonWayneStarkweather Academy @ Fiegel214
Arbor AcademyCalhounArbor Academy212
LansingInghamAttwood School211
Macomb Montessori AcademyMacombMacomb Montessori Academy211
Elk RapidsAntrimMill Creek Elementary School205
Frankfort-ElbertaBenzieFrankfort Elementary School205
ParchmentKalamazooParchment Northwood Elem. School199
Mildred C. Wells Preparatory AcademyBerrienMildred C. Wells Preparatory Academy196
ICademy GlobalOttawaICademy Global195
StephensonMenomineeStephenson Elementary School194
Forest AcademyKalamazooForest Academy193
Carman-AinsworthGeneseeGenesee Early College192
OnawayPresque IsleOnaway Senior High School190
West IronIronWest Iron County Middle School187
East Shore Leadership AcademySt. ClairEast Shore Leadership Academy186
Great Lakes AcademyOaklandGreat Lakes Academy184
KalamazooKalamazooPhoenix Alternative High School183
Concord Academy - PetoskeyEmmetConcord Academy - Petoskey181
Stanton TownshipHoughtonE.B. Holman Elementary School177
West BloomfieldOaklandOakland Early College176
MarionOsceolaMarion Elementary School175
MuskegonMuskegonMuskegon Community Education Center171
Grand RapidsKentKen-O-Sha Park Elementary166
LansingInghamForrest G. Averill School165
Sarah J. Webber Media Arts AcademyOaklandSarah J. Webber Media Arts Academy164
Battle Creek Montessori AcademyCalhounBattle Creek Montessori Academy162
Au Gres-SimsArenacAu Gres-Sims High School161
Oakland AcademyKalamazooOakland Academy160
MerrillSaginawMerrill Middle School157
LansingInghamWoodcreek Achievement Center155
Jo-LewistonOtsegoLewiston Elementary School154
DetroitWayneChrysler Elementary School152
PinconningBayLinwood Elementary School152
Akron-FairgroveTuscolaAkron-Fairgrove Jr/Sr High School146
Akron-FairgroveTuscolaAkron-Fairgrove Elem. School145
Battle CreekCalhounDudley School145
NorthportLeelanauNorthport Public School145
New Beginnings AcademyWashtenawNew Beginnings Academy144
St. JohnsClintonEureka School144
Muskegon Montessori Academy for Environmental ChangeMuskegonMuskegon Montessori Academy for Environmental Change141
OnawayPresque IsleOnaway Middle School140
Standish-SterlingArenacSterling Elementary School140
West OttawaOttawaSheldon Woods Elementary School139
Huron ValleyOaklandHarbor High School137
The James and Grace Lee Boggs SchoolWayneThe James and Grace Lee Boggs School131
Bear LakeManisteeBear Lake Elementary School130
StephensonMenomineeStephenson Middle School130
Hillsdale Preparatory SchoolHillsdaleHillsdale Preparatory School129
Allen ParkWayneAllen Park Community School128
PosenPresque IslePosen Consolidated High School115
PosenPresque IslePosen Elementary School111
New Bedford AcademyMonroeNew Bedford Academy103
Forest HillsKentGoodwillie Environmental School101
State Street AcademyBayState Street Academy101
East ChinaSt. ClairRiverview East High School99
LitchfieldHillsdaleLitchfield Elementary School96
Global Preparatory AcademyMacombGlobal Preparatory Academy95
Moran TwpMackinacGros Cap School93
DetroitWayneEastside Detroit Lions Academy86
Au Gres-SimsArenacAu Gres-Sims Middle School85
Leelanau Montessori Public School AcademyLeelanauLeelanau Montessori Public School Academy83
Owendale-GagetownHuronOwendale-Gagetown Jr/Sr High School83
CrestwoodWayneCrestwood Accelerated Program80
White Pine AcademyInghamWhite Pine Academy68
Grand RapidsKentBlandford Nature Center61
Grand RapidsKentCenter for Economicology61
Grand RapidsKentJohn Ball Park Zoo School57
DetourChippewaDeTour High School55
ColonSt. JosephLeonidas School52
SouthfieldOaklandUniversity High School Preparatory Academy29

Originally published March 26 by Chalkbeat, a nonprofit news site covering educational change in public schools.:

About the Detroit Journalism Cooperative

To focus on community life and the city’s future after bankruptcy, five nonprofit media outlets have formed the Detroit Journalism Cooperative (DJC).

The Center for Michigan’s Bridge Magazine is the convening partner for the group, which includes Detroit Public Television (DPTV), Michigan Radio, WDET, Chalkbeat and New Michigan Media, a partnership of ethnic and minority newspapers.

Funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the Ford Foundation, the DJC partners are reporting about and creating community engagement opportunities relevant to the city’s bankruptcy, recovery and restructuring.


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