Amid outcry, solar farm owner says it no longer wants Michigan forest to expand January 6, 2025 | Kelly House in Michigan Environment Watch
Opinion | Current, former Republican Speakers seek Michigan jail reform May 24, 2019 | Lee Chatfield, Craig DeRoche, Jase Bolger in Guest Commentary
Booster downplays dredging conflicts: ‘People are allowed to make money’ May 28, 2019 | Jim Malewitz in Michigan Environment Watch
GOP vows fight to keep candidates on Michigan ballot. ‘This is far from over’ May 24, 2022 | Jonathan Oosting in Michigan Government
15 lawmakers and their potential conflicts of interest October 27, 2016 | Craig Mauger in Michigan Government
Michigan doles out more in tax breaks than it spends on schools February 10, 2020 | Joel Kurth, Mike Wilkinson in Special report
Fact Squad | Dueling ads take on Gov. Whitmer and those damn Michigan roads February 6, 2020 | Riley Beggin in Michigan Government
Gretchen Whitmer wants free college in Michigan. Can that cut skills gap? April 24, 2019 | Chastity Pratt in Urban Affairs
Michigan clerks’ pleas for help with absentee ballots fall on deaf ears February 19, 2020 | Riley Beggin in Michigan Government
Nestlé extends Flint bottled water donations through August April 10, 2019 | Jim Malewitz in Michigan Environment Watch
Prosecutors put a Michigan man in prison for life. Then they got him out. February 20, 2020 | Anna Clark in Michigan Government
Thousands want to draw Michigan’s political districts. Most are white men. February 27, 2020 | Jonathan Oosting in Michigan Government
New today! School-level database: Is your school an Academic State Champ February 9, 2015 | Bridge Staff in Talent & Education
In the selfie-sharing age, is a DNA sample an invasion of privacy? February 6, 2015 | Gabriel S. Sanchez in Brunch with Bridge
Vaccine refusers, and sympathizers, need to remember government’s role February 13, 2015 | Conor Dugan in Brunch with Bridge
In northern counties, workers and business find each other lacking February 17, 2015 | Nancy Derringer in Children & Families
Michigan says Flint residents took too long to sue, despite water assurances March 4, 2020 | Jonathan Oosting in Michigan Government
Opinion | Michigan can, and should, be a leader in addressing climate change February 20, 2019 | Kate Madigan in Guest Commentary
Five Michigan DNR workers contracted tuberculosis, likely from testing deer March 6, 2020 | John Barnes in Michigan Environment Watch