Amid outcry, solar farm owner says it no longer wants Michigan forest to expand January 6, 2025 | Kelly House in Michigan Environment Watch
Bug juice, canoes, lanyards, s'mores and summers that change lives April 11, 2014 | Robin Miner-Swartz in Brunch with Bridge
Study to measure cost of education unlikely in election year May 1, 2014 | Chastity Pratt in Talent & Education
Michigan residents consumed with improving education, college affordability May 8, 2014 | Chastity Pratt in The Center for Michigan
Shooting racist fish in a barrel? Try a little harder May 9, 2014 | David Worthams in Brunch with Bridge
Climate change, pollution, cancer – environment is a justice issue May 16, 2014 | Larry Gabriel in Brunch with Bridge
F is for frustrated – disorganization at Detroit EAA schools leaves students scrambling to graduate June 19, 2014 | Chastity Pratt in Talent & Education
Is Detroit’s financial oversight board too big to succeed? July 10, 2014 | Chastity Pratt in Urban Affairs
Michigan could lead on making voting easier, but no movement in Lansing July 29, 2014 | Jim Ananich in Guest Commentary
Forty years later, appreciating President Ford’s leadership August 5, 2014 | Patrick McLean in Guest Commentary
Help Bridge chronicle the challenges facing rural Michigan August 12, 2014 | David Zeman in Children & Families