Amid outcry, solar farm owner says it no longer wants Michigan forest to expand January 6, 2025 | Kelly House in Michigan Environment Watch
Discriminate against a newborn? It’s legal in Michigan February 27, 2015 | Sommer Foster in Guest Commentary
Those who can, do – and get their hands ‘dirty’ in the process March 20, 2015 | David E. Cole in Guest Commentary
Early learning summit in June could impact Michigan’s children April 14, 2015 | Phil Power in Phil's Column
Where in the world is the Center for Michigan? April 22, 2015 | Bridge Staff in The Center for Michigan
Will we be better off if Proposal 1 passes? Former treasurer says yes April 24, 2015 | Douglas B. Roberts in Guest Commentary
Yes, fixing the roads is an urgent need, but no, Proposal 1 isn’t the way to do it May 1, 2015 | Patrick L. Anderson in Guest Commentary
5 ways to improve standardized testing in Michigan schools May 7, 2015 | Rod Rock in Guest Commentary
Meet a Detroit neighborhood that’s not waiting for city help May 28, 2015 | Bill McGraw in Urban Affairs
Diverting young offenders from prison is ‘smart justice’ May 28, 2015 | Jennifer Kellman Fritz in Guest Commentary
Does Kalamazoo Promise success build case for more state scholarship funding? June 25, 2015 | Ron French in Talent & Education
Hell freezes over - GOP and ACLU push prison reform August 20, 2015 | Ted Roelofs in Michigan Government
Michigan municipalities learn tough lessons on tax incentives August 24, 2015 | Lindsay VanHulle in Business Bridge
An accident runner, a chiropractor, and the push to curb no-fault insurance August 25, 2015 | Nancy Derringer in Michigan Government
Correcting corrections would save money, but carry risks September 29, 2015 | Phil Power in Phil's Column
Husband and wife, doctor and nurse, at odds over nurses’ roles October 8, 2015 | Ted Roelofs in Quality of Life
To repair racial wounds in criminal justice, start with language October 16, 2015 | Robert W. Kahle in Guest Commentary